Bakery advertises with ‘poster’ made of cake

Custom screen printing doesn't just offer businesses a chance to get their message out there—it also lets them be creative. A British bakery has raised its brand presence with a unique "poster" made out of thousands of small cakes.

The company, Mr Kipling,worked with ad agency JWT London to help set up the enormous display in Shepherd's Bush shopping center. Called a "poster," by some news reports, it is actually a giant metal rack which, at the time of the campaign's launch, contained 13,360 different cakes in various colors. Seen as a whole, the pastries made up a unique edible billboard complete with a sunset design, the company logo, and a large slogan in white cursive: Life Is Better With Cake!

In addition to being ambitious, this marketing move was also strategically short-lived, as passersby were invited to eat the billboard cake by cake until nothing was left. quoted Premier Foods' Lisa-Jo Harvey, who said that the display fit in with the message the company wanted to send.

"We can't think of a better way to show people that life is better with cake than to create an edible poster made out of thousands of our exceedingly good cakes," she said.

The ad is a continuation of a previously established campaign, and, as Creativity-Online points out, isn't even the first time the brand has given away samples: a Christmas campaign from 2012 involved a poster equipped with a cake-dispensing button.

To truly stand out and make a company slogan memorable, businesses don't need cake: just a little planning and the resources to do their own thing with custom made signs.