Is Fiat trying too hard with its latest ads?

There's nothing wrong with using an ad campaign that targets millennials. But when you use traditional vinyl signs and other form of physical "real world" advertising, you have a chance to win over others as well.

This is not the case if you only push hyperactive videos that try too hard to be "hip," as Jalopnik's Patrick George says Fiat is doing. As his article collects the latest spots for the company, you can easily see what the company is trying to do to make its brand relevant —and how it might send those not in the target demographic screaming for the hills.

In essence, the "endless fun" ads focus on the kind of random, meme-based humor popular on the internet and a deliberately cheesy style, with intentionally badly photoshopped pictures of horses and other bizarre elements grouped together.

Writing about this campaign, which the CMO of Chrysler described as "crazy cheap," George said that this reflects an uncertainty and desperation on Fiat's part. This is something that might only be noticed once the advertising campaign has taken off properly, because it depends on whether or not these ads actually go viral.

"I'm not sure they understand the American market, or feel like the car's strengths — its size, its cuteness, its European-ness — are liabilities that need to be covered up in favor of cheap gimmicks," he writes. "I wouldn't have any issue with Fiat's new campaign if it was clever, original or funny, but it's none of these things."

In contrast, the custom made signs your business turns to can be sharp, eye-catching and confident in a way that appeals to all people.