Coordinating your in-store signs with local directional ones

Imagine that you are a new visitor to a shopping center. You don't know anything about the town and have a mind to see the general sights. How will you find the local stores? While some may use GPS apps and other digital answers to this problem, physical signage might be more immediately useful if it's placed correctly. What's more, if the town already has directional signs pointing consumers in a certain direction, your own window graphics and other store signage might be set up to meet and receive them. has reported on the town of Ridgewood, which recently added a set of hanging signs to a local lamppost at an intersection to better direct visitors. The signs, on the corner of East Ridgewood Avenue and Oak Street, are just the beginning of an initiative, as described by a local Chamber of Commerce member and restaurateur named Paul Vagianos.

"The plan at the moment is to do East Ridgewood and Chestnut Street next, then Ridgewood and Broad," he said. He also added that "the signs really help the businesses on the side streets."

On the official Pressure Sensitive Products website, you can see examples of the kinds of banners and signs that your business might use. If there are existing directional local signs that catch a visitor's eyes, the logos you design can perhaps take advantage of this fact. One simple piece of advice might be to make sure whatever name you use to identify yourself is consistent with other directional pointers in and around the store itself.

This can be just as true for the images painted onto your store windows as for any fabric banners that you hang above the entrance to the point of sale location.