Hot dog truck looks to resurrect classic Jersey brand

Food trucks are hot right now, but they also have connections to older brands of definitively American cuisine. The Wall Street Journal recently wrote about one brand that is bringing waves of nostalgia to residents in New Jersey who enjoy a good old-fashioned hot dog.

The truck in question belongs to Callahan's, a locally popular hot dog restaurant that goes back to 1950 and specializes in conjuring up that sense of Americana surrounding hot dogs and the classic accouterments that go with them.

Dan DeMiglio, the owner of the truck and descendant of the original founder of the eatery, has turned to a series of different tactics to emphasize the history of the vehicle. This includes the food truck design, which is a stylish combination of red and yellow that evokes the classic image of the hot dog and mustard.

The truck is both a "look back," as DeMiglio describes it, and an innovation, taking the original brick-and-mortar restaurant to the streets.

Callahan's is one of the local food trucks that may take advantage of new local regulations regarding when and where these vehicles can operate. Areas in the North Jersey region have become more receptive due to an initiative inviting them to parks and clubs. This means it's an ideal time for the brand to make its comeback.

The custom vehicle wraps that your business uses for its food trucks can play a key role in bringing a well-loved legacy brand back into the public eye, especially if the time is right for such trucks to gain more attention.