The next World Cup logo confuses viewers

Developing a radical new logo can help a business promote itself and change the message behind its brand, but a badly thought out logo will have the alternate effect. The official symbol for the 2018 World Cup was released earlier this year, and the re-envisioning of the image seems to have surprised and confused most of the commenters on social media.

The official emblem, displayed against a red background filled with designs resembling classic Russian cultural motifs, resembles a cross between a soccer ball and, as AdWeek points out, a classic Russian Fabergé egg. The gold, blue and red are interspersed with small white star and diamond shapes, along with two gold humanoid images. 

Although the source maintains that this is a "rather safe design" for the event compared to other previous logos, it also highlights the mixed reactions that internet fans have had in response. One of the Twitter users quoted by the source said it looked more like "a ghost wearing a gas mask." Another said that the design looked somewhat similar to the red, white and blue of the U.S. flag.

However, opinion in Russia seems to be more favorable, as reports. That source says that a Russian Public Opinion Research Centre poll found a majority of subjects in favor of the emblem, with more than 70 percent saying they could identify the soccer ball in the design and 74 percent of respondents between 18 and 24 approving it. 

Taking inspiration from this, your business should create logos that will get everyone interested across borders and generate more positive conversations as the campaign becomes more widespread. Translating these images to vinyl signs for easy and mobile display also helps to increase exposure.