Graphic Design

Avoid using trademark protected colors in logo designs

Know which rival brands have a color trademark, as opposed to just a strong association with a certain shade.

Is a longstanding Spanish crest guilty of copyright infringement?

Is the similarity between a famous comic book character symbol and a Spanish football club a coincidence or copyright infringement?

Cut down on extraneous elements in your logo

Business logos should be free of extraneous elements that distract from the core message, especially during rebranding.

London Borough Market makes clever use of Apple logo

London’s Borough Market is using window graphics and  other design tactics for a clever promotion.

Dyslexic-friendly font may be misleading

Is the “Dyslexie” font really useful for readers with dyslexia?

More color talk: Which shade sums up your brand?

Which colors are most “dominant” in your logo and what do they say about you?

Choosing a ‘transparent’ look for your promotional materials

One designer has imagined “stripped-down” versions of several popular brands.

Coke changes famous red can color

For its new Coca-Cola Life product, the company will use green cans. But consumers are torn about the rebranding.

What the Union Jack would have looked like if Scotland seceded

The possibility of Scottish independence got several designers thinking about a new look for the old Union Jack.

What’s hiding in your logo?

Hiding a message in a logo is easier with custom printing solutions.